A. Click on the Customer Portal tab at the top right. We are in beta right now, so only users with a Beta code can sign up. To request a code, email info@enablegames.com. When we go live for purchase, you can go to https://portal.enablegames.com/#/login and click on Create Account.
A. Body tracking is independent of the games, which means you can use a variety of sensors and cameras. enAbleGames now supports simple color tracking for the hands, and many games can be played in arm-tracking mode with only a simple web cam and colored gloves or holding colored balls in each hand. enAbleGames is always working on adding support for new body tracking devices. In the future, look for inertial sensors and VR/AR support, as well as more color tracking for other body parts. For now, our current version supports the Microsoft Kinect (version 1 or 2) and Orbbec Astra series for full-body tracking, and the Leap Motion sensor for hand/finger tracking. The Kinect V2 is the highest quality sensor currently supported but requires USB-3 ports and has an external power supply. The Orbbec Astra is the smallest full-body sensor and does not require external power and only requires USB-2.
For a complete system, you currently need:
1. Download the zip file:
2. Unzip the downloaded file, go to ‘Sensor Driver’-folder and run SensorDriver_V4.3.0.4.exe to install the Orbbec Astra driver. 3. Connect the Orbbec Astra sensor. If the driver is installed correctly, you should see it in the Device Manager, under ‘Orbbec’. |
enAblegames uses V2 of the Leap software. This can be installed directly at this link:
If this link does not work, please follow the instructions for V2 software on the Leap Desktop Setup Page (and not the Orion version):
Do NOT click on the green DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS button. Instead, click on the link for V2 for Windows link.
A. After you create your account, Click on the Install tab. From there, you will see a Download button to install the enAbleGames Launcher. The launcher manages installing, updating, and running all of our games. See the Startup Guide in the Manuals section above.
A. The Kinect contains a microphone that can sometimes interfere with the preferred microphone on your system (such as the built-in mic or one attached to a headset) by overriding it as the default. A common solution to prevent this from happening is to disable the Kinect sound input entirely in your Windows taskbar. However, there is currently a bug in the Kinect firmware that causes the device to reset if its mic is disabled. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the mic enabled, but make sure that one of your preferred microphone devices is set up as the default if you don’t want your audio to be picked up by the Kinect. In the cases where this frequent device reboot was happening, simply re-enabling Kinect microphone fixed the issue.
A. First, make sure the Leap Sensor’s surface is smudge-free. Wipe it with the included cloth. If that doesn’t help, then make sure you are NOT using the Orion drivers installed by the button on the Leap setup page https://www.leapmotion.com/setup
DO NOT use the Orion driver from the “Download for Windows” button on the Leap Desktop Setup page. Instead, use the V2 link below it. A direct link to the correct V2 driver is here:
If the V2 driver is installed, but you do not see a green light on your Desktop tray icon for the Leap, it probably means the driver did not fully install. You need to run C:\Program Files (x86)\Leap Motion\Core Services\Drivers\dpinst64.exe
The following YouTube video shows how to fix this:
A. All body tracking is through the enAblegames App, so first make sure that is running and you see the yellow avatar is moving with the player. The first user the sensor detects is the one that drives the games, so if more than one person is in sight of the camera (as seen in the camera window in the upper-right of the App), it might pick up one of the other visible people as the player. The best way to avoid this is to have only the player in view or moving when the App starts up. Also, the sensor can lose the player if they go out of sight of the sensor or if someone else walks in front of the sensor.
Sensor is not picking up the player?
Try the following:
Sensor tracking someone else other than the player?
If this happens, you will see both the yellow avatar and the yellow stick-figure skeleton underneath the camera view window following the movements of someone else. The intended player’s stick-figure might also show up, but in a different color. If this happens, you can tell the App to follow one of the other stick-figure skeletons by either hitting the SwitchUser button on the top-right of the App (looks like 3 people), or hitting the number “2” key. This will cycle among all bodies (people) that the sensor detects. When the yellow avatar is moving like the intended player, you have selected the correct person.
A. We aim to keep adding more Body Tracking profiles. Contact us and request a new Body Tracking profile. Explain in detail what you want, and include pictures or video of the motion.
A. The elbow profiles only monitor the elbow angle, so the shoulder rotation does not matter. In this way, you can use it for a wave motion, or a curl motion, or even arm extensions for tricep exercise.